Didn't have time to get much into Plat first split. Bronze to plat again was very annoying, not the same as my D4 push, mostly just the type of teammates. So much so, I left ranked alone the entire second split and ended up in bronze start of this season. Pushed and pushed, hit D4 just about 3 days before the split. Decided that if the game is putting me into their lobbies more and more, I should see if I can actually achieve the higher rank. About 3 seasons ago I started getting more and more Diamond/ Masters in my pub games, to the point I was getting discouraged playing pubs.

So I hit Plat4 and left it at that every season. Was just too hard and I wasn't near good enough at the time to not bounce off the demotion protection every other game. I've been stopping at Plat4 since I first achieved it in season 4. Last season first split, pushed hard solo queue into D4.

Kinda same boat as you, just not as far along.